8twelve Coalition

Community Partner Spotlight

The 8twelve Coalition was created in 2015 by Muncie Habitat for Humanity. At that time, many U.S. Habitat affiliates were shifting their focus to neighborhood revitalization. Muncie Habitat convened a coalition of Muncie residents, non-profit organizations, local officials, and businesses to align agendas in a way that could transform quality of life in the historically underserved Thomas Park/Avondale and South Central neighborhoods. 8twelve refers to 8th and 12th streets, which are the north-south bounds of this footprint.

With an interest in improving health alongside residents of these neighborhoods, Open Door Health Services became an 8twelve Coalition partner in 2017. Since the Coalition prioritizes resident involvement at every level of planning and implementation, Open Door receives regular insights into the health-related barriers, perceptions, and needs among 8twelve households. Working closely with residents and Coalition partners, Open Door serves these neighborhoods in the following ways:

  • Placing Open Door neighborhood ambassadors at Ross Community Center, Maring-Hunt Library, Common Market, and weekly Avondale community meals to build relationships and help residents connect with support resources, make healthcare appointments, and enroll in insurance coverage

  • Helping to plan and sponsor the Thomas Park/Avondale Last Day of School Party

  • Serving on 8twelve’s business and wellness action teams and initiating a monthly outreach worker networking meeting

  • Participating in events like the Big Idea food distribution at South View Elementary School, health fairs at Ross Community Center, and 8twelve’s Halloween Trunk or Treats

By 2022, both Habitat and the Coalition decided the Coalition had grown to a point where it was ready to launch into an organization that would provide a larger organization home, and that had mission alignment of broad social and community support. Open Door became that new home in July 2022. In this partnership, the Coalition contributes considerable expertise in neighborhood engagement to Open Door’s outreach efforts, while Open Door provides administrative support for 8twelve.

Jena Ashby, the 8twelve Coalition director, is proud of the resident-driven work the Coalition and Open Door have contributed to over the last several years, and she’s eager to see what the future holds for community work in the 8twelve neighborhoods. “We are grateful for the shared vision of improving quality of life and the many ways we can work with neighbors to see their gifts, dreams, and concerns upheld.”

2024 marks the 50th anniversary of Open Door Health Services operating in East Central Indiana! While caring for community members under different names during that time, the organization has seen a rich history of patient-focused care and intentional relationship-building with community partners. 

To help celebrate this history of partnership, each month we'll be featuring the story of Open Door's partnership with an area organization. Thank you to our partners for helping us celebrate the impact we make TOGETHER on quality of life. 


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