Need Health Insurance?
Open Door's Indiana Navigators are ready to help you learn about your options for healthcare coverage. Once you've picked a plan, they'll walk you through the application process. They're even available to answer questions after you've received coverage.
Many people find coverage is more affordable than they expected - often as little as a few dollars a month.
Your Navigator can help you learn about these programs and more:
Hoosier Healthwise (HHW): Indiana’s health coverage program for children up to age 19 and pregnant women. Offers medical, prescription medicine, mental health care, dental, hospitalizations, and surgeries at little or no cost.
Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP): Indiana’s health care program for uninsured adults, offering medical, dental, vision, and pregnancy coverage for a minimal, monthly contribution based on income and family size.
Presumptive Eligibility (PE): A temporary coverage for services only while your eligibility is being determined for other Indiana coverage.
Health Insurance Marketplace: The program where individuals not eligible for Indiana’s plans can shop for and buy private health insurance at reduced costs based on income and family size. Most applicants qualify for premium tax credits that lower the costs of coverage. All plans cover essential health benefits, pre-existing conditions, and preventive care.
Ready to meet with a Navigator? Here's what to bring:
Birth dates for every person in the household
Social Security Numbers for those applying
Income information for everyone in the household (pay stubs, statement of benefits, etc)
Tax information (filing status, dependents, estimated taxable income)
Other health insurance information (cards, policy numbers)
Employer Coverage Tool (Only needed for Marketplace Applications)
To schedule an appointment or for questions, call 765-286-7000.
This program is a part of Covering Kids and Families of Indiana.